HCYA Baseball

How We Operate + Player Expectations

How We Operate

We believe HCYA is a team on which your son can have a great high school baseball experience, playing great baseball in a Christian environment. And we feel it’s not just a great team community for the players, but a great group of families for parents and siblings to get to know as well.

Practice/Game schedule expectations

In the fall (which starts in August each year), our schedules are kept to just 2-3 days per week generally. In the spring (which starts annually in early January), this increases to 3-4 days per week. HCYA never schedules events on Sundays, and we also strive to avoid booking Wednesdays, except for the Homeschool World Series (see below). The schedule is set as far ahead of time as possible, and communications are sent out regularly.

A good number of our practices are combined with both Varsity and JV. Varsity players practicing together, we strive to think of HCYA Baseball as ‘one team’.

In the fall we will participate in two different leagues - one for Varsity, one for JV. Varsity - which provides most of our games for the season.

In the spring we play individual games, along with some weekend tournaments. To help minimize our costs and team fees, we play mostly away games, with only a handful of home games each season. The finale of our spring season is the Homeschool World Series, about which more below.

Playing time

Every effort is made to provide ample playing time for all players on the JV squad, as its purpose is to develop players who will contribute to Varsity’s future success. Depending on the size of the JV roster though, there will be some limitations to available playing time. Playing time on the Varsity squad is earned and allocated on our best efforts to play our best baseball every game (Col 3:23).

We have 2 player-parent liaisons on our board of directors, whose role is to be the first contact point for any questions/concerns about playing time which might arise, then to facilitate any coaching conversation needed at an appropriate time. This helps us avoid end-game or practice-day discussions, and instead handle these situations confidentially. We are an organization committed to honoring Christ in all that we do, but that does not mean misunderstandings do not arise sometimes which need clarification.

Homeschool World Series - Florida Spring tournament

You will see and hear lots of references to this tournament on our website and among the team; the main reason for this is that it is a great experience and a great finale for each spring season and the baseball year. It is a large tournament involving homeschool teams from across the nation, generally held in late April/early May. We are allocated 18 roster spots and 3 alternates, generally filled with Varsity and a select few JV players to field the most competitive team we can. Having said that, ALL FAMILIES ARE INVITED. Your son can experience the tournament and be in the dugout with the team regardless of whether he is on the roster and able to take the field. We encourage families to consider planning for this trip, not just for the baseball but for the fun and fellowship which it often generates among team members during the week. Our team traditionally rents homes in a neighborhood a short drive from the fields (400-700/week) and there are lots of chances to hang out and have fun - making this week almost as much a vacation as baseball tournament.

Check out the rest of the website for additional information. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like additional information. We’re glad you’re here with us for this journey of high school baseball!