HCYA Baseball
Eligibility requirements
Homeschooled young men from the ages of 13 to 18 as of September 1st of the current academic year are eligible for play on the HCYA Eagles in both the fall and spring of that academic year. In other words, to be eligible for Fall 2023 and/or Spring 2024, a player must have turned 13 on or before September 1, 2023. A player who turns 19 on or after September 2, 2023 is eligible to play in the Fall of 2023 and the Spring of 2024, but a player who turns 19 on or before September 1, 2023 is not eligible for Fall 2023 or beyond.
HCYA is for homeschooled students who have not yet graduated from high school. For purposes of eligibility, "homeschooling" is defined to mean that a student's education is parent-directed. As such, the parents shall be involved in their child's education by assuming the role of principal or headmaster, thereby (1) setting the date and requirements for high school graduation; (2) selecting and approving course materials and study schedules; and (3) selecting tutors, correspondence courses, videos, computer courses and similar resources for their child's education.
To clarify, parents need not provide all of the instruction, but they must be directing the young man's education. Participation in local educational "co-op" programs or concurrent/"dual credit" enrollment in college courses do not disqualify a player, as long as the criteria above are met. In addition to the criteria listed on this page, the board of HCYA Baseball reserves final decision-making authority regarding player eligibility and membership in our program